What excites me about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is the possibility for growth and expansion. When we can look within at ourselves with patience and compassion, we can look at others in the same way. 

Diversity is…

“Diversity is more than the color of our skin, diversity is the uniqueness of our life experiences”

It is engaging with others with an open mind to the uniqueness of ideas, people who may not look like, think like or grew up like me.

Equity is…

Equitable environments create climates of fairness and inclusivity for all particpants. Making equity the culture of an organization reflects the support of its diversity and openess of inclusivity by creating a safe space for people to contribute and find purpose and meaning.

Inclusion is…

Inviting everyone to participate in a safe space in conversations, problem solving strategies, welcoming the uniqueness of the diversity. A inclusive climate is always created with intention.

What happens when all three objectives are reached?





A Choice to Consider…

Releasing fear of the unknown opens opportunities for the possibility of…


Diversity and Inclusion

DI is the blueprint for living life in its fullness. We are all interconnected when we allow others to participate in the process we learn more about the world and ourselves.

  • Meaningfulness drives purpose, it is the driving force for engagement.

  • Engagement is involvement.

    When people are engaged they contribute and commit to building dreams and bridging gaps.

  • Passion is the energy and emotion that drives the purpose of an idea, a vision, and acts of service.

  • When all areas of meaningfulness are met people will commit with passion and engagement to build teams and communities.

  • What do you want? What do you want to achieve? These are the questions that we are all facing in the creative process. Creating an environment of a safe place to interact and share will others build a team positioned for success.

Diversity and Inclusion Certification Certificate

DEI is not a project it is a conscious effort to dispel systemic bias that create gaps in communication and interaction with others.